Abstract – Percezione terremoti

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

A survey of the Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Ingv), conducted in 2015 in collaboration with CNR-IRPPS and the OGS of Trieste and funded by the Department of Civil Protection (DPC), on a national statistical sample of more than 4 thousand people, has shown that in Italy the perception of seismic hazard is heavily underestimated. Results showed that in the seismic zones considered most hazardous (peak ground acceleration higher than 0.15 g), only the 6% of interviewees have good perception of hazard; while in the seismic zones where PGA is less than 0.15 g, the percentage is about 17%.These results demonstrate that in our country is urgent and necessary promote seismic risk reduction campaigns (e.g. Terremoto Io non Rischio) and develop permanent educational projects in the schools (e.g. EDURISK), to have, in a near future, citizens more informed and aware.