July to September outlook for Europe and the UK
Temperature Probabilities slightly favour warmer than normal conditions over parts of northwestern Europe including northern UK and western Scandinavia. Probabilities also favour warmer than normal over parts of southeastern Europe including the central and eastern Mediterranean. In contrast, probabilities slightly favour cooler than normal over central parts of western Europe, and countries bordering the Baltic Sea.
Precipitation Probabilities slightly favour wetter than normal over northern Europe including eastern and northern parts of the UK. In contrast, probabilities favour drier than normal over much of the Mediterranean region and bordering countries.
Further outlook to end of November In most regions, the trends described above are expected to continue through to the end of November. However, over central parts of western Europe, probabilities at first favouring cooler than normal conditions become more evenly balanced between warm and cool. Similarly, probabilities at first favouring wetter than normal over parts of the UK become more evenly balanced between dry and wet by the end of the period.
Caution: These forecasts are considered experimental. The Met Office accepts no responsibility for actions taken on the basis of these forecasts. Seasonal predictive skill varies with geographical region and with season. Please refer to the accompanying forecast charts and skill information to check skill levels in your region of interest.
Information: Contact the Press Office: Tel: +44 (0)1344 856655 Web: www.met-office.gov.uk/