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Tag: Mountain

Pericoli in montagna? non solo orsi

La montagna è piena di rischi: incidenti con rocciatori ed escursionisti; sciatori si fracassano o muoiono fuori pista sotto le valanghe; la pratica del...

Aiming towards a quality agriculture

Title: Aiming towards a quality agriculture Abstract: Problems of mountain cultivations. Typical difficulties of mountain agriculture and the possibility of producing at low costs in other...

Mountain, ususpectable fragility

Title: Mountain, ususpectable fragility Abstract: Difficulties of a habitat. Assaults to increase the value of mountain habitat are revealing its contraddictions and weaknesses. Grounds above 500...

Fine dusts pollute mountain environments

Title: Fine dusts pollute mountain environments Abstract: Their presence is recorded even higher than 3000 meters. The measurements taken at the Jungfrau laboratory (managed by the...