Responding to today’s release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Summary Report, Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, Greenpeace International Climate Policy Coordinator Tove Maria Ryding said:
«Today’s IPCC report brings home the inescapable fact: that climate change is not only fuelling extreme weather, it is causing an escalation in impacts both on humans and economies, most of which are increasingly being borne by the developing world».
«After two decades of international climate negotiations aimed at reducing emissions, we now have more, not less, greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. We no longer need reports or studies to confirm the need for action; our addiction to fossil fuels is leading us blindly towards a cliff edge. Governments urgently need to both implement adaptation strategies to deal with the unavoidable impacts of climate change, and to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions».
«It is of crucial importance that the world´s poorest nations receive the support they need to adapt to climate change impacts. But there are limits to how high you can build a sea wall, or how strong you can build a structure. Trying to adapt to climate change without dealing global emissions is like mopping the bathroom floor whilst leaving the tap running – dealing with the consequences whilst ignoring the root of the problem».
«Ministers gathering for climate negotiations in Durban later this month must respond to the international climate crisis by adopting a clear roadmap towards a science-based, global agreement that will ensure all countries take action to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and that financial and technical support is delivered to developing countries to help them confront the climate challenge».