Gas serra e agricoltura – Il futuro ambientale dell’Europa richiede più azioni

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I decisori politici devono integrare l’ambiente nelle politiche nazionali. Rispetto dei livelli di emissione dei gas serra agendo sulla produzione di energia. Più attenzione alle fonti d’inquinamento provenienti dall’agricoltura

Existing policies alone will not be enough to save Europe’s environment from extensive environmental change in the long term, according to a new report released today by the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen.

«The European Environment Outlook» report shows that, despite successes in some areas, the EU continues to face significant environmental challenges in terms of meeting its long term environmental commitments.

In particular, targets in respect of greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and the use of alternative sources of energy for electricity generation, heat and transport are in danger of being missed.

«Our environment