Questi nel dettaglio i punti salienti.
– Art. 2 – Mantenere il surriscaldamento entro i 2°C e possibilmente entro 1,5°C – Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.
– Art 3 – Impegni volontari da comunicare e attuare, gli sforzi devono essere progressivi nel tempo – As nationally determined contributions to the global response to climate change, all Parties are to undertake and communicate ambitious efforts as defined in Articles … The efforts of all Parties will represent a progression over time…
– Art. 4 – Trasparenza – In communicating their nationally determined contributions, all Parties shall provide the information necessary for clarity, transparency and understanding…
– Impegni da comunicare, registrare pubblicamente e verificare ogni 5 anni o anche diversamente – Each Party shall communicate a nationally determined contribution every five years and shall be recorded in a public registry maintained by the secretariat.. A Party may at any time adjust its existing nationally determined contribution with a view to enhancing its level of ambition…
– Art. 5 – Impegni sui sink forestali – Parties should take action to conserve and enhance, as appropriate, sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases
– Art 6 – Cooperazione internazionale per la mitigazione e l’adattamento su base volontaria e sulla base di un meccanismo di cooperazione per la riduzione delle emissioni e per il supporto allo sviluppo sostenibile, meccanismo stabilito al comma 4 di questo articolo – Parties recognize that some Parties choose to pursue voluntary cooperation in the implementation of their nationally determined contributions… A mechanism to contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and support sustainable development is hereby established under the authority and guidance of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement…
– Art. 6 – Il funzionamento del meccanismo di cooperazione internazionale (regolamenti, disposizioni e altro) dovranno essere stabiliti dalla Cop – The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement shall adopt rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article at its first session…
– Art. 7 – Adattamento e regole generali per attuare la cooperazione negli sforzi per l’adattamento ai cambiamenti del clima – Parties hereby establish the global goal on adaptation of enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change, with a view to contributing to sustainable development and ensuring an adequate adaptation response in the context of the temperature goal referred to in Article 2.
– Art. 8 – Questioni relative a «loss and damage» cioè agli impatti negativi e ai danni dei cambiamenti climatici nei paesi più vulnerabili. Anche qui deve essere messo in piedi e funzionare un opportuno meccanismo (il Meccanismo Internazionale di Varsavia) già individuato precedentemente nella COP di Varsavia – The Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts shall be subject to the authority and guidance of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement and may be enhanced and strengthened, as determined by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement.
– Art. 9 – Questioni finanziarie e meccanismo finanziario della Unfccc – Developed country Parties shall provide financial resources to assist developing country Parties with respect to both mitigation and adaptation in continuation of their existing obligations under the Convention… The provision of scaled-up financial resources should aim to achieve a balance between adaptation and mitigation, taking into account country-driven strategies, and the priorities and needs of developing country Parties, especially those that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change…
– Art. 10 – Trasferimento di tecnologie – Parties share a long-term vision on the importance of fully realizing technology development and transfer in order to improve resilience to climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions….. Support, including financial support, shall be provided to developing country Parties for the implementation of this Article, including for strengthening cooperative action on technology development and transfer at different stages of the technology cycle…
– Art. 11 – capacity building e sviluppo di capacità scientifiche, tecnologiche, ortganizzative ecc. nei paesi in via di sviluppo.
– Art. 12 – Formazione e informazione
– Dall’ Art. 13 in poi fino all’Art. 16 riguarda l’organizzazione generale per l’implementazione e l’attuazione degli impegni precedenti
– Dall’Art. 16 all’Art. 19 si parla degli organi sussidiari e di supporto;
– Dall’Art. 20 in poi si tratta delle questioni di ratifica, entrata in vigore, deposito degli strumenti di ratifica, ma anche delle questioni di recesso, modifica ecc di questo accordo.